Let's Try That Again
Happy Saturday!
It's been a bit of a stressful time recently - long story short, I might have a lot more time on my hands for making games soon!
In an effort to not add to my current stress load, I think I'm going to shelve my voyeuristic landlord game, just for the time being. I have a lot of the pieces ready to go - some friends were kind enough to do some voice acting for me - so I need to get it finished at some point, I just think making it look good is going to be too much of a task for me this weekend. Given that I might have more time to dedicate to games-making soon though, I'll likely be picking it up again, so watch this space!
So, for this weekend, we need to go back to absolute basics. Something short, manageable & fun that I can get done over today & tomorrow.
To that end, I'm going to make a fairly basic 2D puzzle platformer, but with a little twist. I've been watching a bunch of puzzle game playthroughs recently (Tunic, Animal Well, etc.) & I've always enjoyed the idea of rewarded curiosity & discovered puzzles, rather than shown ones. I'm also a big fan of languages & linguistics, so perhaps combining these could work?
It's very thrown together this weekend, as I say, stress has taken over my life for the moment, so doing something simple & straightforward is definitely the way to go this week.
Got to score some more goals at this range before I move the goalposts!