Another Weekend
As always seems to be the way whenever I embark on new projects, as soon as I begin to get momentum going, life gets in the way.
This week, the setbacks began with a last minute trip to Newcastle for work, which took up several evenings usually dedicated to housework & such, then finished with the slightly more enjoyable setback last night of a visit to the theatre with a friend.
Today, naturally, I have a cold. I blame the office visit, personally.
As such, I've decided to dedicate my time today to catching up on housework & relaxing, to try & get into the right headspace for developing. I'll be picking up again tomorrow where I left off last week, though I'm not putting pressure on myself to finish - that'll be NEXT weekend's dash to the finish line.
It means of course that this game doesn't stick to the 2 day formula by a long shot. Even so, it's a self imposed restriction, & as long as I'm continuing to work on the game, I don't mind. The rigidity will only need to be enforced if I start to make a habit of spending more than a weekend on a single game, & then lose interest.
I do intend to be harsher in the scoping process from now on though!